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On Photography, by Susan Sontag
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L'apparition de cette publication et le titre est vraiment intrigante. Cependant, le contenu Web est le taux également pas moins d'intérêt. Chaque mot qui est utilisé et comment l'écrivain arrange les mots qui phrase et la définition sont en fait correcte et appropriée. Il est approprié pour la circonstance ici et maintenant. Ici, les attributs On Photography, By Susan Sontag comment une publication est nécessaire. Tous les composants des bons livres sont nécessaires. De plus, l'élément clé qui va attirer les gens à lire est également fourni parfaitement.
En ce qui concerne cette publication, tout le monde reconnaît que c'est vraiment fascinant livre. Vous avez peut-être cherché cette publication dans de nombreux magasins. Est-ce que tu l'as? Lorsque vous manquiez cette publication pour obtenir, vous pouvez l'obtenir ici. Vous comprenez, obtenir On Photography, By Susan Sontag dans ce site sera certainement beaucoup plus facile. Non doivent aller pour faire du shopping dans les magasins de livres, la marche d'un magasin à d'autres, c'est le web qui a des listes collections de livres al sur la planète, principalement. Les liens sont proposés pour chaque publication.
Ce On Photography, By Susan Sontag a tendance à être juste ce que vous aviez besoin maintenant. Il arrivera à surmonter l'existence du sujet fascinant pour discuter. Aussi beaucoup de personnes se sentent vraiment que cela ne convient pas pour eux de vérifier, comme un bon lecteur, vous pouvez penser à d'autres raisons. Ce livre est génial de revoir. Il ne devrait vous obliger assujettissant représentant des guides. Néanmoins, des idées ainsi que le taux d'intérêt qui sont offerts de type ce livre peut être atteint à tout le monde.
Détails sur le produit
Broché: 208 pages
Editeur : Pan; Édition : 1 (1 août 2001)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 9780312420093
ISBN-13: 978-0312420093
ASIN: 0312420099
Dimensions du produit:
14 x 1,5 x 20,9 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
5.0 étoiles sur 5
2 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
327.671 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
Produit conforme et envoi soigné.Il est difficile de ne pas avoir à lire Susan Sontag lorsque l'on étudie l'histoire des idées sur les représentations visuelles.Je n'ai pas encore pu m'aventurer assez loin dans ce livre afin de donner une critique constructive mais je suis très satisfait de ce que j'ai lu. Cela en vaut largement son prix !Merci Amazon !
I would say, this is one of the best books about modern photography and its philosophy. I would recomend it to any kind of photographer, who is looking for an inspiration to do something more than cheap "i have been there - seen that" photos.
"Photography, which has so many narcissistic uses, it also a powerful instrument for depersonalizing our relation to the world." This statement is emblematic of the author's attitude throughout her dazzling but ultimately deflating analysis of photography. Sontag's intellect is unquestionably clear-eyed and sharp, but her consistent comparisons of photography to consumption, theft, and even rape wore me down as a reader. I don't have the rhetorical muscle to challenge her points and would have to concede many of them; as someone who likes to take pictures her book left me feeling flat. If you are seeking something attesting to photography's virtues as an art form, you'll find very little here. But On Photography is so well written it is worth reading anyway for its many kernels of wisdom . . . however distasteful they are at times.
This got me thinking about photography in a way I never have. Now I have a strong understanding of what the medium is, and a better grasp of what to do to make my work stand out. Ms. Sontag is an intellectual without peer, her choice of words so eclectic yet perfect in expressing her deep understanding of this field. It's a pleasure to sink ones mind into her words, revel in her clarifications, soak up her insights and intelligence. This book is a classic for a reason. If you're a photographer trying to get a greater grasp of what it takes to be grand or noticed in this business, you will walk away with a deeper understanding of this world and its history. A terrific asset to any photographer gravitating towards the arts.
I'm through the first chapter so far it's communicated a lot of very simplistic, redundant statements to me. They're good, I suppose, but the rest is just babble....comparing cameras to guns, penises...yeesh. She observes things through very small frames that fall apart if you step outside of and question them for a moment. I'm reading it for a course and it has all the depth you'd expect from a photography theory (not much).
This should be a must read for any photographer whose mind seeks to go beyond the technical aspects of photography. When I read it, many of her comments were aimed at those "snapshot prints" that ended up in photo albums, thus lacked impact for me as digital photography was then my new medium. Now, with the the iPhone or equivalent running amuck, and the age of "selfies", which I would rename "narcisstics" for the "me, me, me" crowd, it regains impact. Yes, the medium is the message.I didn't like much of what she said as she was your typical leftist intellectual. The truth is she really had something to say about the meaning and content of photography. This alone puts her in a class probably by herself. I love photography and have been taking pictures since 1959. I don't know of one other book that even comes close to dealing with the real impact of photography. It is not a book for the "sheeple". If you are serious about photography - read it! It should make you angry, and challenge your beliefs. We all need more of that. I'm re-reading it now for about the tenth time. Every time I read it I get something new and challenging from it. You can't say that about many books today.
The printing has been done by a third party. It’s cheap and takes all the pleasure of holding a book away. I do not understand how to report this amazon prime scam. ‘New’ prime books are likely to be poor quality reprints. Theres no way to know what you are going to get (angry emoji)
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